Sunday, July 15, 2012


The reporter went to meet the dacoit to take his interview. Way back in 1950, a foodie was denied too much food. The gentleman decided to join in Sports Department of the battalion. He ran to deliver the ice-cream at the destination. He acted somewhat like an Eklavya to withdraw himself from the 5000 m race. ‘Vaye Guru da Khalsa, Vaaye Guru di Fateh’. Practice makes a man perfect. The practice was on. In the race, he started winning the Gold Medals. In the Asian Game of Tokyo, he had to run by wearing spikes. As he practiced bare-footed, it was tough for him to adjust on the turfs. He lost the race. 

In 1965, the war broke out. China always abides by their traditional conquest strategy. Everyone was sent to the war front except that athlete. As per military rule, a sportsperson of Indian Army cannot be sent to the battle zone. He was somewhat depressed but geared himself up for the International Defense Meet Sports Event. ‘Jung mein toh humko jaane nahi diya, toh khel ke maidan ko hum jung ka maidan bana denge.’ That man sprinted well to become the national champion. He got promotion in the job for his caliber in sports. His wife was very happy and proud of him.

During retirement from a military job, sometimes, tears also come out from the eyes of a military man. He got that same ice-cream as a gift. His son got recruited in the Indian Army. Forget about Pakistan and China. Sometimes, the real enemies stay in rural India where you live. Some of your own relatives may turn out to be your biggest enemies. A farmer cannot tolerate any other person cutting and stealing all the crops of his land. The battle began. The Collector acted just like a puppet in the hands of notorious criminals of rural India. The Policemen insulted the National Champion at the Police Station.

When no one helps you in times of danger; when the Indian law is deaf, dumb and blind for you; when the lawyers, collector, sarpanch and policemen show a callous attitude towards your problem; then as a frustrated victim of the Indian society, you have no other option rather than taking up arms and ammunition to revolt against the existing corrupted system of India. The sportsperson decided to form a gang of dacoits to revolt. All the poor villagers joined him. He gave them the military training. As a dacoit, he became famous. When he used to won medals for his nation, nobody used to bother about him.

He took the sweet revenge but got no answer about why he became a victim. A dacoit must not act as a Robinhood, because, there are traitors in rural India who are selfish by nature. Everyone suggested the dacoit to surrender. A true spirited sportsperson always completes the race, no matter whether he wins or loses that race. Cowards never surrender but chose to die in a deadly encounter. The Unsung Hero of India died in an encounter due to callous attitude from the Sports Ministry of India. When you revolt; revolt like the “PAAN SINGH TOMAR”, featuring Irfan Khan (Dark Horse), Mahie Gill and others.

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