Thursday, November 28, 2013


Ruby Wines Company was on a venture to select the best model out of 5 models at Fiji Island. Monty, the playboy cum fashion photographer was given the charge to photo-shoot those top models. Ziya believed in shortcut routes to get success. Mr. Malia wanted a new face. Someone suggested Rupali that modelling industry ultimately leads to Bollywood. Mrs. Malia selected Rupali as one of the 5 contestants for the Calendar Girl of Ruby Wines.

Welcome to Fiji Island. Tak and Taka were two brothers of the resort in Fiji. Monty started falling in love with Rupali as Rupali was instructed by the hair-stylist to do the acting to win the competition. Rosy went back home to see her ill father! Sanjana and Bobby had a tussle. Rohit tried to capitalize on Sanjana but failed to do so. Monty warned Rohit to play safe with girls because the Playboy fell in love with a model. Sanjana got a big assignment and left Fiji Island!

Rohit and Monica planned to swim in the swimming pool on that moonlit night. Rohit was missing from the swimming pool. Taka-Tak started searching for Rohit but also gave a hint to Mr. Malia. The handwritings of two letters were exactly similar. Ziya called up Monty to meet her behind the bungalow. Did Monika come to meet Monty behind that bungalow? Who injured Rupali? Ruby had an extra-marital affair which got clicked by a cameraman. Ruby’s hubby was blackmailed. The stunned Mr. Malia took a litmus test of his cheater wife. Was Ruby forgiven? Who was behind all these murders? Finally, who became the “SUPER MODEL”?

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