Sunday, August 28, 2011


In the outskirts of Mumbai, there were several slums but in between those slum areas, there was a famous market. The Mamu was the boss of that market. Actually, whoever became the boss of that market, took the title of ‘Mamu’ from his former one. The Mamu ordered to cut the right-handed fingers of Chatterjee. The little boy aspired to become Mamu not the Chatterjee.

The training started. Both of them used to run after the kites and while running, they used to pickpocket the purses. Both Tavrez and Fateh were equal in all respects. The life is a game of Chess. If you learn to understand the game as a neutral person from outside, then you can surely track all the deadly movements on the chessboards of human life.

Tavrez fell in love with a lady passenger of the bus. The girl was also expert in pick pocketing purses. But, both the thieves stole each other’s heart also. The hot chick came to live in the locality. The first target was Mamu. Was it just a heart attack or a planned murder with the help of a pillow? With the help of Sankat Pandey and Chatterjee, the Fateh became the 2nd Mamu of the market.

No one knows who kills whom in riots and some people take undue advantages of those types of situations. If you attack a policeman or an encounter officer, obviously, there will be a deadly counterattack. Don’t under-estimate the role of Knights in the game of Chess. Knights are the best players for making any pre-planned strategy a success if utilized properly. The student kept his admit card on his purse, but as his purse got pick-pocketed, he was unable to appear in the exam. As a result, the boy committed suicide.

The Fateh’s real girlfriend was jealous of that hot chick. The hot chick satisfied Fateh from all ends; after all, he was the Mamu. The dead body of that hot chick was lying inside the room. Was it a suicide? Tavrez understood the game. Again, Fateh & Tavrez started running after the kites but who won this time? The lady was ordered to take the revenge by killing Tez. Why that lady wanted to take the revenge? Who got killed by that nurse who injected the poisonous syringe? Ultimately, who became the CEO of the “BHINDI BAZAAR INC”?

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