Sunday, August 21, 2011


Even after 64 years of independence, you will find poor quality roads, bridges and other constructions in India. The sole reason behind it is the corruption. From top level to root level the corruption has negated the impacts of development that could have been done by the applications of modern technologies. The newly constructed bridge has collapsed and resulted in the death of several innocent people who were travelling in the bus at the time of collapse. After the incident, the corrupted politicians, contractors and engineers started pointing fingers at each other. India is a very funny nation. For example, say if the Indian government sanctions 100 crore for a project, then a chain series of bribery and illegal fund management goes on from top level to root level including some external parasites like local MLAs. So, ultimately, when the project gets completed, the Indian government declares about the project to the public to keep their vote-bank intact for the next Lok Sabha election. But, if you investigate bits by bits about the project, you will find that only a mere 25 crore has been really invested on the project and the rest 75 crore went into the Swiss Bank accounts of our corrupted countrymen who were involved in the project.

The junior Tichkule used to follow the Gandhibaadi theory for protesting against any wrong things. Girls are like flowers in a garden which will always bend towards the direction of the wind. Sachin got rusticated from the college and then he started following the Krantikaari theory. The small contractor filed a case against the Municipal Corporation and ultimately won it. The girl to whom he slapped in the college is the commissioner of the Municipal Corporation now. The road-roller was not moving. They called for a special person, but that person started changing everything including the gear-box. After being fed up, they called for an elephant, but alas, the road-roller rolled towards the house to break its walls. The Municipal Corporation cancelled all his contracts. In the meantime, no one even told Sachin about the marriage of his younger sister. His younger sister was forcefully married to a local MLA who is also a corrupted person. Due to that fake bribery case, the lady tried to commit suicide. The dormant volcano of love within his heart became active and erupted. As a result, he confessed about how much he still loves her. After a few months, his younger sister committed suicide.

The man who lost his wife and children in that bus accident kept on investigating and ultimately traced the culprits. The legal case was on. Before the witness could reach the court with all the evidences, he got killed brutally inside a public bus. The chase was on. That local MLA died in an accident. Will the corrupted persons ever get any legal punishment in India? Was Sachin able to prove his honesty and sincerity to his own family and to the people of society? Why Naina didn’t get married? Why she was so confident that one day she will get back her lost lover of college days? After all, life is not always sweet but salty too like the KrackJack or Britannia 50-50 biscuits and it has been rightly proved in Priyadarshan’s “KHATTA MEETHA”, which features Akshay Kumar and others.

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