Sunday, August 21, 2011


Beneath the muscles of fiction or fantasy lie the skeletons of brutal realities. After some poor African nations, India is that nation where women are very much unsecure. You never know when a teenage/minor girl or a young/matured woman gets molested, sexually assaulted/harassed or raped by their relatives/colleagues/teachers/local goons/cab drivers or by some unknown culprits. The school girl went to the cinema hall with her friend to watch the Aamir Khan & Juhi Chawla starrer film. She was wearing skirts, i.e. the school uniform only. The man who sat beside her started touching her thighs and then kept on molesting her in that dark cinema hall. The school girl kept on weeping without complaining about it to anyone as this is India. If she complains about her molestation case, she may get rusticated from her school, policemen will harass her unnecessarily and moreover, she may get killed by the culprit/culprits and his/their hired goons. So, the tradition continues. 90% girls in India who are victims of sexual abuse and molestation don’t even file an FIR to the local Police Stations; forget about legal cases.

The heroine of the drama, ‘Julius Caeser’ got married to the director of that drama. Sudeep was his hubby’s friend. Sudeep always tried to get access of her but failed in all circumstances. Her hubby had another friend whose name was Chandrakant. Chandrakant was the son of a famous minister of UP who was murdered. In modern India, sex has become a tool to achieve anything by shortcut process. This addiction hampers the traditional morality of our ancient Indian culture. But in this era of globalization, from bureaucracy to corporate level to panchayat level, everyone seems to be trying to digest it by eating some antacid tablets or syrups. She gave full access of her to the editor to become a frontline journalist. She had an extra-marital affair with the future Chief Minister of UP. Her hubby had enough reasons to doubt about the real father of her baby. The bisexual woman compelled the straight woman to become a bisexual one like her. In modern India, if we assume the Generation-Y as a social marketing product for the economic profitability in terms of either GDP or GNP then the most suitable tagline for the Generation-Y is: - ’As a hubby if you are not prepared to accept the extra-marital affairs of your wife who is a working woman, then don’t get married to a working woman. As a wife, if you are not prepared to accept the broker-type character of your unemployed hubby, then don’t get married to an unemployed man.’ In most of the cases, the money becomes more powerful. The married working women fall in the traps of extra-marital affairs with their colleagues and the married unemployed men become brokers of their respective wives to earn money. That’s the tragedy but you have to accept this brutal reality as India is becoming modern day by day in this globalized world.

India is a democratic country as per its written constitution but is it really a democratic nation? Whenever a journalist writes about the brutal realities of corruption, the mining mafias, local MLAs or top level bureaucratic level culprits who are involved in the corruption try to murder that journalist or try to attack the offices of that media channel or directly give death threats to the senior editors of that media company. The top line journalist of Morning Star newspaper wrote a column about the secret political relationships and some vote-bank deals between Chandrakant and Vora. After publishing that column, she started hiding and got a safe place in Dehradun. As per the lawyer, there were three big sets which intersected with each other and had a common factor. The three sets utilized that common factor for their own purpose to become more powerful, but alas, the areas of authority of the common factor increased and ultimately decreased the areas of authority of the three big sets. Inside the hotel room, again he failed to access her hot body. Who got the legal punishment? Why Chandrakant couldn’t claim that child as his daughter? Who became the CM of UP? Why those two men urinated on the wall, where it was written,’ I love you “MONICA”’, featuring Divya Dutta, Rajit Kapoor, Ashutosh Rana, Kitu Gidwani, Tinu Anand and others.

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