Sunday, February 5, 2012


In this market of cut-throat competition, just passing in the higher secondary exam is not enough for you to get admission in any one of the reputed colleges or even in any bad college also. The four musketeers passed the higher secondary exam. They were so happy that they have passed but the real exam was awaiting them.

Vishnu’s father regards his son as a robotic machine, not as a human. That’s why; Vishnu was not so happy after getting 94% marks instead of 95% marks. Vishnu got the admission in St. Peter’s College but the rest three did not get admission in any college. The cut-off marks were so high that even the 2nd and 3rd list has no value at all.

Ritesh had a master-plan to open a fake college to impress their parents for the time being. Vishnu created a fake website of the fake college. Mr. Google helped them with a fake building and Baji Rao became the fake Principal. The acting was well enough to impress the parents for one day, but, the website back-fired them.

All the other students from different parts of India, who got no admission in any college, did the online application for admission in this college. Now, none of them were willing to go back home. Mr. Google thought of doing something good for the first time in his life.

But, the party animals always loved the parties not the books. They burned all the valuable books. Mr. Google and Baji Rao felt dejected by seeing the callous attitude of their students towards studies. Both of them decided to close the college and pack up.

The students apologized. The Principal called everyone in a graveyard. All the students were feeling scared as they were sitting in a graveyard. Baji Rao told that their parents are always scared about the future of their children in a similar way. Mr. Google warned that if you people don’t study, then you will reach graveyard soon.

In this world, nothing is useless, if you know how to modify that useless object into a useful one. That’s the concept of recycling. Ritesh learned about this simple but great theory from his father’s profession. So, Ritesh decided to use these useless guys to do something in various fields.

When Bill Gates was questioned about his secret of success, he uttered only one word and that is ‘Passion’. Baji Rao and Mr. Google understood that this Y-Generation is such a modern breed that they always want to transform their passion into profession. So, let it be. Passionate profession is better than a compulsive one.

In this modern era, the digital world is not for chatting and time-pass, but it also helps to learn how to communicate with each other socially. It enhances the communication skills of an Internet User. Moreover, a teacher of Mumbai can teach on any subject to the students of Michigan through Video –Conferencing.

The Fakirchand and Lakirchand Trust University had no license from UGC, but, they really showed the world, how your passion can become your profession and how to utilize the Digital Education System through Internet and Social Networking Websites to enhance the desired skill sets of the students globally with low operating costs.

The case of a fake college had been lodged on this college with a stay order of 7 days. To send some message, they performed at the Annual Function of the St.Peter’s College. What a laser-dancing it was! The Human Resource Minister understood the message and requested UGC to grant license as the college is not so “FALTU”.

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