Sunday, August 14, 2011

404 !!!

Long time back, Gaurav P.Gupte came to DIMS Medical College to study. Someone committed suicide out of depression. There is a beautiful link among hallucination, hypnotism and medical science. The eyes always see what the brain instructs it to see. The professor wanted to write a thesis to prove that there is nothing beyond medical science. He wanted to prove that each and every mystery on this beautiful planet can be explained by science itself.

The warden of the hostel was fed up with the boys, especially the senior boys, who were basically drunkards. Abhimanyu decided to stay alone. The professor used that brilliant student as a tool of his thesis. Chris, the topper responded to the professor’s plan and did the ragging of hallucination. After that night, the victim of ragging started to see the soul of other victim.

The professor’s wife gave objections to it, but it was too late by that time. The professor had the last question-answer session with his obedient student and received a good round of applause. But, the billion dollar question still remained unanswered. Is Medical Science just a science? But the professor got the answer that his thesis was not completely correct when he came to meet his student at the Room No. “404”.

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