Sunday, January 8, 2012

KHAP !!!

The modern son never liked the conservative and superstitious acts or orders dictated by his father. That’s why; the son along with his wife and daughter left his dad’s house long time back. In this age of internet, the online chatting is an addiction, but, sometimes, those online chatting bring two strangers closer to each other to know each other very well at least mentally. The college authority conducted an educational camp at a remote village of North India. On a camping night, some villagers of that village came searching for a couple, but, the college students did not allow the villagers to search their respective camps. Next morning, the runaway couple boarded the bus. That was their last bus journey on Earth.

As per the investigation by the Police Department, it was a suicide. The newspaper headline created suspicion among the college students who visited that remote village. The Human Rights Commission sent a special team to investigate about this matter. The investigation revealed that it was a clear cut case of honour killing but not a single villager was in a mood to help the team to gather some evidences or proofs against the culprits. Honour killing has become a very common thing in India. A student who came to study in India from Africa asked his friends about Honour killing? What is honour killing? What is Khap?

Several villages constitute a panchayat and a group of 40 panchayats is known as a Khap. As per the old rules and regulations, all the people living in a Khap is like a member of a single joint family. Let us assume that in the state of Haryana, say, ‘K’ is the name of a Khap. In that Khap, ‘K’, say, a boy, ‘B’ who belongs to a family with surname ‘X’ and there is a girl, ‘G’ who belongs to a family with surname ‘Y’. Now, from any legal or social angle, both ‘B’ and ‘G’ are not brothers and sisters to each other. But, as they are living under the same Khap, they will be regarded as brothers and sisters and they cannot get married to each other even if they have true love between them. So, the more the size and the population density of the Khap, the more there is a chance that the men of those 40 villages will not get a woman to get married unless they find a suitable woman outside that particular Khap. The same problem is with women also who cannot get married to any man of that Khap. Indirectly, it gives rise to prostitution among women and sex crimes among men. On the other hand, as girl children are killed before they take birth, the population density of girls are very low in respect to boys in North India, especially in Punjab and Haryana. So, this problem gives rise to the concept of ‘Draupadi’ in almost all the families. Shortages of girls force two brothers to share one common wife in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.

The Inspector of the Human Rights Commission got killed. Even an NRI, whose great grandfather took birth in that Khap around 80 years back, is also considered as a member of the Khap. Hence, the marriage of the grand-daughter of the President of Khap with the son of that NRI is to be cancelled as per the orders of Khap Panchayat Samiti, otherwise, there will be an honour killing, though it is actually an act of barbarianism. North Indians are just next to Talibans in this regard. Socially, these North Indians will transform North India into a 2nd Afghanistan. The Supreme Court understood that the society of North India is going back to its dark age. That’s why; the Supreme Court declared that an adult person has full legal rights to marry another adult person of the other sex without any compulsion of caste, gotra, creed and religion. No panchayat or any village sabha/samity has any rights to interfere in any legal marriage. The new President of the Khap played a fantastic game. Was the couple lucky enough to escape from the bloody tentacles of the North Indian “KHAP”?

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