Sunday, December 25, 2011


Extensive research on micro-processors helped the humans to create high speed processors and hence the fastest super-computers came into existence. Research on High-level languages gave humans the power to create neural networks for any artificial character created inside a video game. Therefore, the concept of artificial intelligence came into existence. Japanese scientists who were dealing with electronics only, shifted their gears towards the topic of robotics, where they used to make a cocktail of information technology, high level data mining, artificial intelligence, neural networking and mechatronics (fusion subject of mechanics & electronics).

For 10 years, he was on a research in his laboratory and ultimately his neural scheme clicked. The machine started working like a human. His mother gave it the name, Chitti. Chitti used to respond to clear cut instructions without trying hard to know the double meaning of those simple instructions. It is very tough to go for a break –up if it is a true love because the intangible assets always tempts you to enjoy the nostalgic effect through your romantic performances in your present tenses. When you save a human’s life out of a fire tragedy, it hardly matters whether the person who got saved was nude or wearing a cloth. Rescue is important, not the nudity. But, Indian media always want some masalas or spices to increase their TRP ratings. The minor girl knew the outcome of some irresponsible journalism beforehand. So, she chose to commit suicide.

The scientist started implanting the artificial hormone therapy and the programming modules of emotional quotients in the neural scheme of his invented artificial body. In this modern, fast-paced society, the lifestyle and food habits of both working and non-working women has become so hectic that it ultimately has negative effects on their sexual life and pregnancy factor. Chitti showed the live telecast of a baby delivery, though it was a very complex one. But, the intelligent machine proved that instead of using caesarian operations, you can use magnetic rays and cameras to execute the abnormal delivery cases. The kiss of Sana triggered the waves of love in its emotional processor. The processor started executing as per the self-executing programs of romance. The mosquitoes demanded the ban of ‘Good Knight’ and ‘All Out ‘repellants, as their life is in danger.

If God and his associates created humans, then humans cannot declare war against them. The machine was dismantled. The rival of the scientist who had connections with several international terrorist organizations brought the body parts back into his laboratory from the garbage. The efficient neural scheme module got replicated into various sub-function modules and was kept in a single commanding loop. That means, for a single command in the main function module, the loop will trigger all the sub-modules of the program to perform the same actions by calling that function (X) from the main program module. Moreover, a spyware program, popularly known as worms, was added to the ‘self-destruction’ programming module. That is; whenever, the enemies try to destroy the machine, it will automatically utilize its several other options or modes by itself to take other forms to block the execution of the final ‘End’ command of the self-destruction process.

The new avatar of the Chitti stopped Sana’s wedding. It went into rapid destruction in and around the city of Chennai. Burglaries, loots and murders reached its extreme stage. The ‘Self-Controlled’ program module kept on modifying itself and ultimately, the slave mode got converted into the master mode. Chitti killed the rival of that scientist. It brought Sana to its palace and told her about artificially created sex organ and sperms which will help Sana to become pregnant in the near future. The Scientist requested the Chennai Electricity Board to go for a power cut in a special zone. The war was on. Were the humans able to tame that machine and its replicas? Can you imagine a University of Robotics Technology in India itself after 15 years down the line where in its museum; there will be the body parts of “ROBOT”, featuring Rajanikanth, Aishwariya Bacchan and others?

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