Tuesday, April 15, 2014


A Hindu soul never starts its journey towards hell unless and until it is satisfied in its life and its last rites are performed as per rituals of Hinduism. Kailashnath sent his son Vijaynath to study in America. Vijaynath completed his studies in USA but later on he also got settled down in America with his son and wife. Nirmala, the mother of Vijaynath always felt depressed as her son never used to come to India to meet her. Nirmala died and Kailashnath became lonely. Vijaynath planned to sell the Nath Villa to a promoter and it angered Kailashnath. Vijaynath again went back to USA with his family leaving his father in Goa to die. Kailashnath slipped from the stairs to die an accidental death but his soul didn’t leave the house.

The Cruise Company gave a house to their Chief Engineer, Aditya for 1 year. Aditya left his wife, Anjali and his son, Aman alias Banku in the Nath Villa and then went back to do his duty in the Cruise Ship. Banku showed his naughtiness in his new school. J.J.Irani, the Principal of St. Francis School and Jojo, the classmate of Banku appreciated that Banku is a very naughty boy. As per Anjali’s views, there are no Ghosts but Angels only. An Angel became a good friend of Banku. The entire school came to know about Banku and Angel. When a promoter came to see the Nath Villa again to buy it, the Ghost told the entire story to Anjali and Banku. Aditya took some days off from his job to perform the last rites of Kailashnath. Did Vijaynath participate in that puja of last rites of his late father? Was the Bhooth World eagerly waiting to welcome “BHOOTHNATH”?

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